Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Chelsea :)

Monday, August 25, 2008
I don't know why...

I Heart Novell

My team at Novell is AWESOME!! I definitely couldn't work with better people. They are all fabulous and we get along SO well. Megan isn't on my actual team that is in charge of audits, so sadly she wasn't at the activity, but I must still give a shout out to her. We work together on the same accounts, I handle the audits and she brings in the renewals. I LOVE Megan, and am so glad we are paired together on accounts, because working with her is actually FUN! If she ever gets taken away from me, my productivity will go down the drain ;)
20 weeks
I hit the 1/2 way mark last Thursday. Does it bug anyone else that how pregnancy is calculated these days really makes it 10 months, not 9? What the!!! Also, don't you love how depending on what time of the day, your belly changes sizes! Morning - posture is good, I still have the energy to tighten my abs, not tons of food in the belly yet = small baby belly. Evening- bad posture, don't care to hold in the abs, eaten three meals + lots of snacks = BIG belly!
"The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a person's determination."
Eric was very determined to make us a log entry way. I really wanted a log entry way, but had no idea how it would ever happen. Eric worked many long hours cutting down the logs, de-barking them, and getting the holes dug for the logs. This weekend he got the logs stood up in the holes, filled the holes with cement, and did all the hard work of getting the top log on top of the vertical logs. Thanks brother Dan and cousin Ben for all your help, because of them I was able to waterproof my decks and not be part of the scary and HARD process of the log project. That job took a TON of time and muscles. Let me tell you , Eric is a GENIUS, thinking up how he could make what seemed impossible to me, possible. Thanks Eric!!
Getting the second log into place (notice the cool support system Eric thought up on the log that is already standing - long boards nailed into the log post and then secured to the ground with rebar.)
I should have taken pics of the process of lifting the log onto the top. Eric and Dan lifted the log up as they climbed ladders and Ben held onto a chain and tow rope connected to the log to hold the log in place when Eric and Dan would need to climb up higher on the ladders to start lifting again. I was tired just watching them!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
David needed practice before slaying Goliath
Thursday, August 14, 2008

In case you aren't aware with the Havasupai experience, here is a small overview. It is a back packing trip on the northern rim of the Grand Canyon. You typically start hiking around 3 or 4 in the morning so that you don't have to hike in the sun. You hike 2 miles down switch backs and then 6 miles through the canyon to the little Indian reservation "Supai" where you check in and pay for your stay. Then you hike 2 more miles, this time through sand (BLAH), to the campground. The whole time you are down there you hike a TON to different water falls, caves, and such, and just play a ton. It really is a tiring but totally worth it trip! When you hike out, you leave in the evening when the sun in close to setting. The first 8 miles aren't horrible, but are still totally tiring and totally wear you out for the 2 miles of switchbacks, this time UP hill, at the end of the hike. When you finally finish the hike, you wonder why you do it time and again, and then a couple months later you realize why...because it is AMAZING and no other experience is quite like it.
Here are some pics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
My email to Eric:
In case you decide to look for jogging strollers, these are things I really want:
20+” Wheels – best for high speeds, rugged terrain, etc (can go down to 16”)
Alloy hubs – don't rust and are stronger
Fixed + swivel front wheel
five point harness for the baby
Padded Seat that lays down – baby can sleep
Shocks (if not increasing price a TON)
Arm Leash/Wrist teather
Easy fold up
One that fits in the Subaru trunk
Welded Aluminum Frame – lighter and more durable
Handle Bar should be at the height that when you hold the bar with elbows bent, your forearms are parallel to the floor.
Check weight limit – you want it to be able to hold the child, plus their diaper bag, water, etc...
Infant Car seat adapter
Anyway, I LOVE you!!
Eric's reply to me:
Nakita my love,
I also want 20" wheels on my car if the baby gets them, I mean come on, I wouldn’t mind them for all the same reasons…high speeds, rugged terrain etc....let's be fair.
Yesterday you said you only needed a 3-point harness, now you want 5…You’re making me sweat this purchase, if I don’t get it today I may be forced to get a 10-point harness!
I totally understand the arm leash, I’ve seen you do dishes and other such tasks…I want the baby to live a long and prosperous life J
With all these features and structural requirements, I may need to go to Alfred Beagle (Batman’s
What if I get one that fits the handle bar arm-wrist-elbow-parallel requirements and we use a baby sitter, or heaven forbid; I choose to push the baby…what kind of medical catastrophe might I or the babysitter encounter?
Lastly, you’ll need to be more specific on the weight stipulations, like how many milliliters of water will you be carrying, and could you please give a close estimate on how many wet wipes will be in the diaper bag; I know you won’t Only be carrying diapers. And also, what if we have a second child that weighs slightly more than our first…will we have to start back at the Super-Stroller drawing board again?
Just needed a little clarification ;)
Friday, August 8, 2008
A Good Day
1. Right after work I met my sister Aubrey at a nail salon in Orem and we got sparkle toes. It is cool, they put a polish on and then sprinkle sparkle dust over the polish and have you put them under a UV light. They do this over and over until you have a thick layer of sparkly stuff. They look pretty in the sun.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Bear Lake
Last weekend we went to Bear Lake. We go annually for a Messick family reunion, this year the group was SUPER small. We had FUN none the less. We had a lot of fun playing with my family and also seeing cousins and friends, such as Brad and Shanda Roberts and all the Roberts. I swam, laid out, and hung out with the family a lot. Eric got to go Scuba Diving (sorry no pics) and golfing with the boys. We both enjoyed dirtbiking on the beach. Thanks mom and dad for letting us eat so much of your food :)