Reese has gone a lot of places for the first time lately.
Just coming back from a nice walk - I think she likes the sound of the stroller bumping along the snowy roads because she goes right to sleep when we start strolling. Oh... and I love how her puffy outerwear drowns her- she's so itty bitty!!

About to meet up with Grandma Ellis and Auntie Amber to shop the outlets

Reese's first Sundance Film Festival experience. She was so toasty that she slept through the whole thing. It was hillarious how much attention Eric got from all the passing girls due to the cute little bundle strapped on his chest. It was CRAZY!! Single guys - strap a doll to your chest and walk around and you'll get more attention from beautiful girls than you've ever dreamed possible.

Visiting Papa at work - This is one proud papa, he had to show her off to all his work buddies, I love you dad!