Friday, October 30, 2009
Best quote of the year....
"God told me to do Push-Ups", a sincere remark from B-Money after Eric commented on B's looking like he had lost some weight. We sure do love that munster!
I'm excited for Halloween
- Because I'll have a reason to take some pictures
- Because I'm going to dress my bug up as a lady
- Because who can resist multiple Reese's peanut butter cups [and you thought I named my daughter after something or someone other than food ;)] and all the other deliciousness that makes me salivate while I am now thinking of it.
- Because I can't wait to see all the other kiddos dressed up in their costumes
Holidays are a LOT more fun once you have a kid. Now if it would just warm up 30 degrees for tomorrow night!!
- Because I'm going to dress my bug up as a lady
- Because who can resist multiple Reese's peanut butter cups [and you thought I named my daughter after something or someone other than food ;)] and all the other deliciousness that makes me salivate while I am now thinking of it.
- Because I can't wait to see all the other kiddos dressed up in their costumes
Holidays are a LOT more fun once you have a kid. Now if it would just warm up 30 degrees for tomorrow night!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
As always, I've filled my time with one thing or another and have felt too busy to blog. I've been trying to spend a lot less time on the computer, which has been great in most areas, but hasn't been great for my blog :)
We have been BUSY! Eric with work, work, more work, and his church calling. Me with school, errands, and mommy fun. I'd take my busy over Eric's busy anytime and appreciate him SOOOO much!
Last Saturday me and Eric met up with Whitney (Bonnett) Taylor and her husband Chris and went dirtbiking at 5 mile pass. It was SUCH a blast!!!! The weather was perfect and as always, dirtbiking gave me the excitement and adventure I crave and get withdrawals from. Can I just say that I'm glad that Eric is such a good dirtbiker, it makes me push myself to ride a little harder and climb a little higher each time. I dressed Reese up in her cute new pink boots so she'd be stylin' while hanging out with Grandma and Papa.
Below is what Reese's face looks like when she is being funny and sucks in her lips and makes vacuum like noises with her mouth (I don't know how else to explain the sound).
Reese is now 9 months old. While walking in Provo two weeks ago we stumbled upon a new little playground. Reese LOVED the swing, so I thought, what better place to take her 9 month pics??
She is SO inquisitive. She notices EVERYTHING and is just so smart! She is crazy mobile, crawls so fast, stands up and walks around holding onto things. We bought her one of those cars with a handle on the back so she can push it around while walking. She liked it for a while, but now she isn't so fond of it. I think the fact that she has to run full speed while pushing it and the only way she can stop is to fall on her knees or run into something has made her a little nervous of it. She will still push it around but cries while running. Kind of funny. I'm sure she'll grow to like it :)
She waves, dances, and is such a smiler! So many people ask if she ever gets upset. She does, but is all in all an even tempered little gal (as long as she isn't hungry or tired - funny how those two things effect the moods of babies and mothers alike.)
We have been BUSY! Eric with work, work, more work, and his church calling. Me with school, errands, and mommy fun. I'd take my busy over Eric's busy anytime and appreciate him SOOOO much!
- 17 lbs 6 oz (50th percentile)
- 27 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
- Head in the 75th :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
I don't know when it happened...
but I was just playing with Reese on mine and Eric's bed and she was opening her mouth really wide and I noticed her top left tooth is through the gums... I didn't even know she was teething... that was easy.
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