Eric planned the perfect weekend getaway for us to celebrate our 2nd anniversary. Thanks Eric for being so sweet and surprising me with such a fun weekend!
We lived the "city life" and rode trax to get from place to place. Trax is a pretty cool system, I never knew. It is fun to see the variety of people and listen to all the conversations going on around you.

Our babysitters (my parents and siblings) were in Moab so Reese tagged along, and she was a joy. She stayed out WAY past her bedtime and was totally content and had fun. She is beyond amazing.

I met up with Eric and we checked into our hotel, The Peery Hotel. It is SWEET! It is the oldest continually functioning hotel in SLC, started in the 1910's, and has all this cool OLD furniture with inlayed wood and all. It was really pretty and perfect! It also had 2 rooms, which was fantastic for putting Reese to bed. It was beautiful!

After we checked into our hotel we went to Macaroni Grill and had a fantastic dinner. I forgot how wonderful Macaroni Grill is. I ate SO much, it was DELICIOUS! While we were eating our appetizers a group came in and sat down at the table next to us. Low and behold, our Bishop's wife with some other people from our ward, who had just gone to Disney Princesses on Ice for her daughter's birthday. What are the chances. We are barely ever in SLC together, and pretty much NEVER go out to eat at a sit down restaurant while there, and the one time we do, our neighbors are all there. Try to get away and you can't :) HAHAHA!

After dinner we rode Trax to the Gateway and did some shopping :) Then we strolled around town. There is this cute little ice skating rink in the middle of a park, there were probably 20 times the amount of people allowed to skate on such a small rink skating and there was music playing. The three of us danced to the music for a while until we got too cold. Then we headed back to the hotel.

We played around for a little while and tuckered Reese out even more (she was already beyond tired, but quite hyper). She LOVES her dad. She has become quite the daddy's girl lately. SO cute!

We enjoyed a nice evening with toasts and all!
The next morning we stopped at a little bakery called Mrs. Backer's Pastry Shop and got some VERY overpriced breakfast. We did a good deed by supporting a little business though :) Then we took Trax to Temple Square.

We first went to the Conference Center and had a "tour", not a normal tour. We were the only ones on the tour so the missionary said we could go as slow or fast as we wanted. We spent a little time in the actual conference room, and then quite a bit of time in a room that has paintings of past prophets and apostles. It was really cool to put faces with names. I'd like to go back and spend even more time looking at the pictures. Then we headed up to the roof. There was A LOT of planning put into that roof. For example, the structure of the building is tiered and the plants planted on the different tiers match the plants that grow on the mountains nearby according to altitude. SO COOL!

Cool view off the top of the Conference Center.

It was SO wonderful spending time with my family without the distractions of work, homework, tv, computer, errands, housework, or anything else that tends to keep us busy. I completely enjoyed myself. It couldn't have been a more perfect anniversary. Thanks Eric, I love you!