An update:
We found a place we love in SLC. We've been moving stuff in for the past week and still have quite a bit more to move in. We should be living there by the beginning of next week but we'll see. We LOVE it. It is cute and little but oh so fun! It is funny going from a house with tilted walls (our home in Heber is a modified a-frame so the walls are slanted inside) to a house with straight walls, it makes it seem so much bigger! I'm SO excited to decorate, I've got all sorts of ideas in mind but need to make sure I chose colors that work with the existing paint color, our new couches, etc. It is kind of fun starting from scratch (since we left our furniture for our renters and our rustic decor doesn't fit too well with the new place) and getting to be creative in making things look cute. Now, if I only had unlimited resources (time, money, energy), that would be awesome.
I've done more manual labor these last couple of weeks than I've done in a LONG time. So I am SORE, but thankfully staying strong and in shape (as much as you can when you're pregnant), and I have a nice tan. So for those things I am thankful.
Eric is working all kinds of hard but is luckily free in the evenings to hang out with me. I love living with this guy, it makes for a whole lot of wonderful moments and thought provoking conversations.
Reese is going through a stage. I don't know if it has to do with the 3+ teeth she has breaking through her gums or what but she has been way grumpier than her typical self (miss happy carefree girl). I need to get creative and think of ways to entertain her throughout the day, maybe she is just bored. Plus, this age is hard for me. She is now in nursury and is now becoming even more independent. She notices when someone takes something from her and in turn yells "no" at them. She doesn't get sharing (despite my efforts) so it is hard when she is playing with other kids. She isn't a bully, but she is also no pushover. Good in the long run, but hard right now, before she learns how to act kosherly. All in all though, she is still fantastic. She is talking a ton more and it is so fun to hear her new words and listen to her jabber nonstop. She is very observant with whatever we are doing and tries to help. She always wants to sit at the sink while I'm doing dishes, pull the laundry out of the baskets as I fold, help weed, etc. It really is endearing.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God
A friend posted this on their blog and it was just what I needed to hear. Being a mom can be hard and it's easy to feel like a failure multiple times a day.
"Mothers, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Yours is the work of salvation and therefore you will be magnified....made more than you are."
"Mothers, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones. Yours is the work of salvation and therefore you will be magnified....made more than you are."
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's a....
We finally got our ultrasound done this morning. I've been dying with anticipation! It was great to see that the baby is developing correctly! And, we found out that the baby is a BOY! We are very excited about this!
He had his arms in front of his face the whole time. In this picture he is grasping his left wrist with his right hand.

So pretty much we're stoked! I've craved meat this time around - hated it with Reese, and although I know every pregnancy is different regardless of gender, there seemed to be enough differences and enough dreams/thoughts on my part that I really thought it'd be a boy. Over the last couple of weeks I've gotten myself excited about the thought of it being either a girl or a boy, but I won't lie - when the ultrasound guy said "it's definitely a boy" my heart burst with excitement. I'm excited for us to have a son and for Reese to have a brother.
He had his arms in front of his face the whole time. In this picture he is grasping his left wrist with his right hand.

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Final installation of the 4th weekend
Sunday afternoon we headed to Fremont Indian State Park in Sevier, UT. We had read some info about it online and it seemed like it might be a fun place to camp. We got there and went on a hike to see some Indian hieroglyphs. It was cool and all, but we decided it didn't sound that fun to spend the rest of the evening and the next day hiking in the dry hot weather to see more of the same, so.... we headed further south and found a pretty canyon (Cottonwood canyon) between Marysvale and Junction, UT. It was gorgeous! Definitely a great place to camp!
We had a huge area all to ourselves. There was tons of firewood everywhere so we gathered a bunch and had a ginormous fire all evening. We roasted hot dogs once again for dinner. They're always so yummy over a fire!
Reese slept all night, which wouldn't typically be unusual, but it was pretty cold so I was hoping she'd be warm enough with a double layer of fleece and her blankies. She stayed under her blanket the whole night and didn't make a peep. In the morning, after eating some Cap'n Crunch, we walked over to the stream across the road.
Reese enjoyed throwing rocks with Eric.

We will for sure be coming back to this place to camp, it was BEAUTIFUL and such a fun place to camp if you want to be away from the crowds.
Reese was playing the mother Mary in her sleep ;)
On our way home we made lots of stops and found many beautiful places.
This is a fun little lake we found and want to go camping at soon. It is a good place for fishing and was surrounded by cute little campsites and little cabins that used to be rented out but are now completely run down.
We passed a lot of old mining towns on our trip back. There were old mine shafts all over and we stopped at some to check them out.
We drove to Old Frisco Mining Town which is an old town that has been abandoned since the early 1900's (1920 if I remember right). There are open mines all over the place and it's littered with all kinds of stuff that was just left when all the people left.
Stadium of Fire 2010
This year we went with my family to Stadium of Fire. We had awesome seats so it made for a good AND comfortable time. I am a big fan of Carrie Underwood so it was a lot of fun to see her live. The 5 Browns (pianist siblings) were also quite entertaining - reminded me of quasimodo having seizures repeatedly. There was also a violist, Jenny Oaks Baker, who was amazing and actually put sexy into playing a violin - who would've guessed that could be possible.
The fireworks were fun to watch. Reese layed in Eric's arms during them and almost fell asleep. On the walk home she did actually fall asleep. This is rare for her. I was a bit jealous that Eric got to hold the sleeping beauty, but realized my body wouldn't have felt so excited about it after about 3 minutes of walking while holding her dead weight.
Thanks mom and dad for such a good time!!!!
Thanks mom and dad for such a good time!!!!
The 4th weekend
It was kind of nice having the 4th of July on a Sunday this year so that it would be celebrated on Monday and make for a long weekend. Friday we decided to go camping. We tried to find a free camping site up American Fork canyon so we could hike to Timp Caves Saturday morning but due to the long weekend, it was all booked. Early Friday, after I found out there were no spots up AF canyon, I drove down to Mona to see if I could find a spot at Burriston Ponds before evening hit and everything was sure to be gone. I did find one spot and set up our tent in a crazy wind storm, luckily the wind worked in my favor to help me get the rainfly over the tent all on my own. I was pretty proud of my pro tent setting up skills. Reese was good, like always, and just stuck around next to me and threw rocks into the pond while I set things up.
Friday evening once Eric got off work we headed back to Mona together and he was very happy with the spot. I was glad. I thought it might be a crappy spot because during the wind storm it seemed like it'd be really dusty, but once the wind had stopped it turned out to be probably the best spot of the whole place.
We cooked hotdogs over the fire for dinner and marshmallows for dessert. Reese LOVED the campfire and was such a happy girl all evening - even with staying up until 11pm.
Once she was in bed, Eric and I got to just chill and enjoy good conversation. Always the best!
Friday evening once Eric got off work we headed back to Mona together and he was very happy with the spot. I was glad. I thought it might be a crappy spot because during the wind storm it seemed like it'd be really dusty, but once the wind had stopped it turned out to be probably the best spot of the whole place.
Once she was in bed, Eric and I got to just chill and enjoy good conversation. Always the best!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Payson Lakes
We always try to do something fun on the weekends to spend some quality time together and help us get energized for the next work week. A couple weekends ago we headed up on the Nebo loop and went to Payson lakes. I've lived in UT pretty much my whole life and I don't ever recall going there before. It was very pretty and there is a cute walkway all the way around one of the lakes.
End of June
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