- That Reese may finally be kicking this week long flu bug! No throwing up since Tuesday night and her energy and spunk seems to be coming back. Hallelujah! She'll be so excited to be able to have some chocolate milk in another day or so (gotta make sure her tummy is ready for it).
- That Micah and Rachel were reading our thoughts when they chopped us down a Christmas Tree the other day. My family usually goes and gets Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving, but due to my having had a baby and my dad having had hip surgery things didn't happen like normal. I LOVE the smell of the freshly cut and festively decorated Christmas Tree sitting in our living room!
- Reese is starting to get used to Ivan. She likes to touch his belly and head, give him his blanket, help change him, she gets concerned when he is sad, and she likes to help put his binky in his mouth, but I think she isn't quite sure about not being the only child. Yesterday I caught her looking sternly at him and stomping her foot a little too close to his head. I'll tack it up with the fact that at that point she was also still feeling really crappy. I'm thinking that with better health, her love for Ivan will also become better.
- That today isn't going to be too happy for Ivan. He's getting the manly snippity snip done. Do they numb him? I hope so.
- I need to make a list of to-do's through December so we don't miss out on all the festivities and spirit of this season.
Oh and guess what?? My brother gets home from his mission in exactly 2 weeks from today. I CANNOT WAIT! He hasn't even met Reese and he is a total favorite of all kids. She is going to love her uncle Don!