What foods can I still stomach? Fruit snacks, frozen yogurt, saltines, lettuce, some kinds of cheese, refried and black beans, grapefruit, avocados, cereal, strawberries, and potatoes. Even apples, one of my normal staples, don't tickle my fancy. Vegetables & Fruits (other than the ones previously mentioned) seem to be a no go, and meat makes me want to puke. SAD I know, especially because Eric just got me an amazing BBQ grill for my birthday. Typically I am very excited to get my daily menu emails from Allrecipes.com, but lately I don't even want to open them, for fear that the thought of the recipes in the email will make me more nauseous. The one actual meal I still crave, but pretty much only in the mornings, is Spaghetti. Guess I'll whip some up tonight and see if it works out.

This was the same for me for 2 weeks and then it went away. I didn't cook those 2 weeks and we ate out a lot. I was happy when it went away. I can't promise you anything cause its different for everyone. When will you go to the 1st Dr's Appt?
I am so sorry that food is not appealing to you, I hope things get better. Exactly, how far along are you? I wish that happened to me about now. I could stand to lose a few. Seriously, nothing is gross to me and I crave fast food and everything about it! DISGUSTING!
ha ha ha you are so cute...no worries it will get better
"Oh you just wait honey" - that's what Nicki Brammer said to me when I told her the same thing at the beginning of my pregnancy. And now I can say it to you - just wait honey - soon you will be eating wonderful delicious things and gaining weight too! Here's to baby bellies!!!!
That's got to be the worst for you....I know how much you freakin enjoy food and cooking! HOw's the log cabin? That place is beautiful...and I'm sure it's going to be so fun in the Summer!
Kristen, my first appointment is May 27. It has been so annoying waiting so long!! Lindsay, according to the phone call with the nurse, I am due November 1, which would mean I'm three months along. I'm pretty sure I'm more like one or two months along. Who knows?? Megan, I'm VERY excited for my baby belly!!! Whit, the log cabin is wonderful!! The snow is finally all gone, so we've been doing a lot of yard work. I love it!! You guys need to come up again.
Oh my goodness I feel terriable.. I haven't been looking at blogs as much kz I've been working so much... I totally missed that you are prego!!! That's so AWESOME!!!How exciting!!! I can't believe that erbody is having a baby... it is making me baby hungry!!! I'm seriously so SO excited for you both!!! Congrats... and I'm not looking forward to not liking food.. oh dear:)
I'm so glad you have a blog! I didn't know you were pregnant. Congrats to you too! I can't stand meat either. Today I have been doing good but I threw up all day yesterday because of a meat smell in my house that I couldn't get to leave! Hope everything gets better for you. How far a long are you?
I know what you mean. I ate TONS of carbs and even more yogurt (we're talking the big cartons, one at a time) when I was pregnant. And meat was disgusting.
It always helped me to feel less nauseous to eat more frequently.
Just to have you know...I'm throwing you a friend shower as the time draws nearer..... I went to my cousin's this weekend and I have some fun ideas! Just giving you a heads up. toodles!
I can't wait Whit!!
I am so sorry, it's the worst sickness ever! Just remember it's all worth it! And don't worry about losing weight I promise you gain plenty later.
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