Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ah man.

Well... my doctor's appointment yesterday was a little disappointing. I haven't progressed ANY since last week, my doctor said he wants to induce me but that I'm currently un-inducable. I'm grateful for his wisdom, because he said if he were to induce me right now, there would be a large chance I'd end up needing a c-section because my cervix just isn't ready. Now my countdown to my due date is exactly that - a countdown to the date my baby is due, but not necessarily the end of my pregnancy. I was hoping I wouldn't go past my due date, but it looks like there is quite a big possibility seeing as the due date is in 9 days and I haven't progressed any in the last 7. Guess we'll see what happens.

I'm hoping that sometime this week, my body will all of a sudden decide that it is ready to shed this extra weight lying on my abdomen, and my cervix will start dilating like crazy and baby girl will be in my arms :) Ah.... the thought, it is PURE BLISS! One really good thought: She can't stay in their forever! Sometime within the next, what 3 weeks, I WILL have her in my arms! That's wonderful! I just CANNOT wait to see what she looks like!!!!!!


{M}PG said...

You are hilarious. I understand how disappointed you must feel...you get to a point that you just want that baby in your arms more than anything. BUT then you have that baby and she is upstairs screaming her guts out when she should be napping and you wonder if you can put her back in the nice quiet tummy for another couple years :) One day you will feel that...I feel it right now ;)

Mrs. James Quigley said...

Thanks for the update. I've been so curious! Take care. She'll be here soon. Love you both.

Joey Shepherd said...

Sorry to tell you but that's how I was. Dr Judd said that I hadn't progressed at all. Even when I went to my appointment two days after my due date. I ended up going into labor that night and had to have a c-section early the next morning. I just wouldn't dilate past a 3 and the baby was in distress. I'm sure you will go sometime soon. I'm excited for you both! Having a little girl is so fun. One piece of advice get all the sleep you can in the hospital.

Anonymous said...

All in due time...but I sooo know what you are feeling. Well if that baby isn't coming tomorrow and you guys are around, come on down and play with us for New years! Love ya girl!!!

Lindsey S. said...

Sorry it's taking me so long to get back to you. Judd did induce me. But I was dialated to a 3 by 36 weeks and well on my way. At 37 weeks he told me we would look at the next appointment and if we want he can induce me at 39. We worried that inducing might change the outcome and worried we shouldn't push it but he said my body was well ready and that if I were to have a c-section I would whether they induce me or not. So we decided to go ahead. It was so nice that it could be planned. We live in Salt Lake too so it was a scary thought for me wondering if we were going to make it to the hospital in time. This way we new we would.

But just hang in there. And if you do come to the point where he can induce you I would do it. I think it is lovely to be able to get to the hopsital without rushing and being stressed. But thats mostly because we would have had a 45 minute drive. Kind of freaky if we wouldn't make it! You are going to do great! I can't wait!

jenna said...

what's the latest?!?! keep us updated! we are the hospital all the time so i'm wondering when you are coming in. are you delivering at orem community i forget!?

Jam Rob said...

good luck!!!

Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...

Hey... whats going on? Any progress?