Reese is officially 1 month old today. She had her 1 month check up this morning and weighs in at 9 lbs 3 oz and has grown to 21 1/8 inches. She got her second hep B shot and what I thought would be a very traumatic experience for the both of us, turned out to be just fine. She let out a cry when the nurse was giving her the shot but calmed right down as soon as I picked her up. The cry was sad, because it was different than I've ever heard, one of pain, but it was short lived- THANK GOODNESS!
This little gal is SO fun! She is starting to "talk" a little. When she's laying on her blankie and I start talking to her, if she is in the right mood, she'll start talking back. DARLING voice and SO fun having her interact with me! She LOVES to be held, which I love because I love holding her, but it makes it a little difficult to get other things done sometimes :) No worries, things get done once Eric is home and can give her his undivided attention or once she has fallen into a deep sleep.
Miss Reese has now been sleeping in her very own crib for a week now (before she was sleeping in this cool little bed that our good friends (check our their blog - it is inspiring) let us borrow. She has been doing really good at nights, and both Eric and I are sleeping a lot better. I loved having her in bed right by me, but I couldn't sleep because I'd listen intently to her breathing and every other noise she'd make. I have a picture I'll post of her in her crib, she is so little and doesn't take up much room in the crib. We put rolled blankets on three sides of her and bundle her against them, so she feels a little more secure.
I think I'm going to have Eric introduce the bottle to Reese tonight. (I want to try a bottle once a day so that she is capable of taking a bottle and can survive if I have to leave her for more than three hours). My doc said that since breastfeeding is well established, now would be as good of time as any. I only have one bottle currently and don't know how she'll like the nipple of it, so I may have to buy a couple more tomorrow to try them out if she doesn't take to this one. Wish us luck!
Well, to end, here is something pretty funny! You may remember a post I did a while back - of our trip to South Dakota ... well, here is a picture I had posted...

That is hilarious about the turtle! I feel like I haven't seen Reese in forever. We need to do something so I can see her soon :) Congrats on putting her into her crib - that is a big and good move.
Hey darling-
I am so glad you were able to use that bed!! Thanks for mentioning are so kind! We sure love you guys...Happy ONE month old sweet Reese!!
I want you to post those pictures of Reese! I feel deprived because you haven't posted any for awhile. So I ended up getting a Schwinn stroller as well haha... but it's different than yours. It's the best for the money eh. I'm excited to use it!
how has yours been?
ha ha ha that is awesome!
I FREAKING MISS YOU!!! I miss your face and belly and now you don't even have one (a belly I mean). I haven't even met your beautiful Reese! When can Kristy and I come up to take you to lunch? I miss you at work too because you are such a genius and you get things ticking - but it is going good. I have Tawnie now and she seems super nice. I was hoping you could come back so we could go out to VA together for an audit or two - we could sneak our hubbies and babies along. Are you ever coming back? I don't think they would let me have you again if you came back though anyway. I hope you are relaxing and enjoying Axton's little girlfriend.
PS. I'm going to Mexico next week mostly because of you. Thanks girl!
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