Reese zonked out with 'Aunt' Liesl -Liesl showed me a move that gets Reese right to sleep and gives your backside an amazing workout! Thanks Liesl :)
Reese is getting so big!
Reese zonked out with 'Aunt' Liesl -Liesl showed me a move that gets Reese right to sleep and gives your backside an amazing workout! Thanks Liesl :)
Reese is getting so big!
I love how adventorous (spell? haha) you guys are! You look amazing by the way!
Where is Fort Worth? I've never heard of it - except for the city in Texas. Reese is so cute! I love her pretty pink toenails!
I've heard of Fort Worth! I think I was there in the Oregon Trail game I played on Danny's itouch last night!
So you gave me your personal email address and I forgot it. Can you email me at norwaymeg@gmail.com? I really need your little sister's info and we DO need to go out! What night can you guys get together?
I didn't know you guys went to Fort Bridger! We go there every year for the rendezvous and be mountain people and sleep in a teepee every year. It is a fun place.
PS - Tell Eric Tuesday was "supposed" to be the snowmobile trip 'to END the season' :) REMEMBER!
I love that you guys go everywhere and do everything. We should go to Havasupai this Summer! Or at least go on one vaca together!
Fun pics Nakita. You guys have so much fun. And PS, you look AMAZING!
Thanks for hoping to come to my wedding. I would have loved to have you both there, but I understand how life is. I love you guys.
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