Monday, May 4, 2009

Guess who walked???

That's right! Eric graduated last December from BYU but walked at the April commencement. I'm SO proud of him! And I won't lie....slightly jealous (I think the remaining 13 credits I have at BYU are going to take me much longer than normal to finish.)
Hold your head up high babe, this is a HUGE accomplishment!
Eric's parents and little bro Dan came down from Vancouver Island to help us celebrate!

Our friend's truck a bit stuck at his lot.

We're ALL so proud of you Eric! CONGRATS!!


MEG said...

AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS! GOSH, I can't wait til Danny graduates!

Mrs. James Quigley said...

Yeah Cousin Eric! So happy for you, not to mention you looked pretty handsome in that cap and gown. So exciting!