I bought some Christmas M&Ms at the grocery store. Eric's office is right next to Reese's room, so I now have her play pen set up in our laundry/workout/food storage/tool room :) so that she can have naps while he works. She wanted to play instead of sleep when she'd hear Eric on his phone or sneak a peek of him through the crack of the sliding doors that closes off her room from his office and then just be too giddy to fall asleep. So when we got home from the grocery store I laid her down for a nap in her play pen. Then I got to work on making some yummy m&m chocolate chip cookies. Well I got everything into the bowl except the flour. Problem is, I only have 1/2 a cup of flour in my canister (I need 3 cups for my recipe) and the additional bags are in the room Reese is sleeping in, in the cupboard blocked off by her playpen! Great! Good planning. So, change of plans, here are some pictures of Reese's first time meeting Santa.
The stare down. Reese never cried, she never smiled, her eyes just wandered all over Santa's face, beard, and outfit. Supposedly this Santa is the Coca-Cola Santa but hires out in Heber when he can because he lives in the Heber Valley. Pretty Cool!
A family in our ward owns a fast food restaurant called "Dairy Keen" in Heber and they always host our ward family Christmas party. We of course had to sit with our favs the Naffzigers :)
And Reese had to see all her friends!
Reese is obsessed with brushing her teeth. She has a kid toothbrush, which she loves, but if she spots one of our spinny toothbrushes she goes crazy until she gets it....
and I can't resist!!!
Those are darling pics! LOVE the one where she is staring at Santa like who are you!!! ha ha CONGRATS on school thats awesome!
Those M&M cookies sure sounded good :) But I am glad that you blogged instead so that I could enjoy too! Good luck with your LAST final! Yea!!
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