Looking across Deer Creek. Right after this I took a picture of this crazy huge golden eagle that was tearing apart a dead deer. I won't post that pic though because it is blurry and the dead deer isn't the most appetizing thing to see.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Meadow Hot Springs
Looking across Deer Creek. Right after this I took a picture of this crazy huge golden eagle that was tearing apart a dead deer. I won't post that pic though because it is blurry and the dead deer isn't the most appetizing thing to see.
Nathan's and Kraut
Eric met up with me around six and we went to a wedding reception at an indoor botanical garden in Salt Lake. It smelt so fresh, I loved it. Reese was a good sport even though she hasn't been feeling well the last few days (I don't know if she is actually sick or getting some molars in, which I can only imagine would kill.) They had Barbacoa grill cater it and we ate the most scrumptions tacos! YUM!
Speaking of Reese being sick. She has been having a hard time at night and I get sick of walking into her room every 10 minutes to check on her (usually I let her cry it out a bit if she isn't sick, but when she is feverish and I know she just isn't feeling good, I do go in frequently and try to calm her down.) Anyway, we don't usually let her get in bed with us but the last few nights we've put her in with us around 2 or 3 am. She is hard to sleep with because she gets sideways between Eric and I and lays her head on one of us but kicks the other one in the throat. Then it is constant tossing and turning and searching for her binky. Today she had 5 1/2 hours worth of naps, and I slept 3 of them. Hopefully I'll become more pleasant quickly and my right eye will stop looking like I got punched :) Get better soon Reesey bug.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I forgot to mention....
As I opened the box and saw a piano, I said to Reese, "We're going to need to buy you a piano too huh? So you can play while I do." Then out comes a piano just for Reese. My parents know kids. I shouldn't be surprised, since they are, afterall, beyond amazing parents and grandparents. Reese loves jammin' out on her keyboard. She gets the music going and starts bouncing up and down to the beat. It was hard to get a picture with her face in it because she was head banging to the music while I had the camera out.
The Luck O' The Irish
(This picture was taken yesterday, on St. Patty's day so I had to add it. I was making lunch and I turned around to find that Reese had completely emptied my drawer out and had climbed on in. So funny!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Reese held my hand and we walked down the driveway to the road, where there was a river!

Friday, March 5, 2010
It is already March!
Reese thinks it's cool when daddy lets her work with him.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Date Weekend
We were going to take Reese but then decided against it since we didn't know what temperature the hot pots would be. We now know that next time Reese will be coming with us. It is bathtub temperature so you can stay in for hours. It is also unique in that there are parts that are probably 15 feet deep. Eric borrowed a scout's goggles and dove down to the bottom and collected rocks for the scout (per the scout's request).
It was such an enjoyable time. Scouts are, of course, very interesting to listen to and watch belly flop into the pots. And as always, I loved being with my sweetheart. He is the coolest person to be around, and luckily I get to spend lots of time with him.
We got back to my parents house around midnight and decided to sleepover at their house. Then on Saturday morning we left Reese again to go snowmobiling (believe me, we don't leave her much, but mom offered to watch her so I could go out with Eric, so we took her up on the offer.)
Again, pure bliss! Not because Reese wasn't there, but because I got to finally go out snowmobiling with Eric and enjoy one of our passions together.