Today it was so nice outside. Reese and I started out our morning with a nice jog with Terra, T, and Aubree. Then as noon rolled around, it got even warmer. We couldn't pass up the nice weather.
Reese held my hand and we walked down the driveway to the road, where there was a river!

Not a real river, just a stream from the run off. Reese was luckily wearing her John Deere boots, so she got to stomp through the water until her little heart was content.

She was amazed by all the streams crossing the road. She was curious as always, and made sure to dig her little hands into the mud and feel for the perfect rocks to eat (I heard her swallow one - which she usually doesn't do) so I made her spit the rest out.

Hoover tagged along for the adventure.

And Reese had to hassle her just a tad.

She crushed clumps of snow with her boot repeatedly, until they'd be all squished to the ground.

And I even got to get my picture taken with the famous little princess.

After a lot of puddle jumping, rock eating, mud squishing, and snow crushing, we headed inside to take a bath before nap time.

Reese went to bed with slightly damp hair and woke up a lioness.

Other happenings:
ERIC got accepted into the Masters of Public Administration program at the U of U. He has been taking classes in the program this semester as a non-matriculated student but found out today that he is officially IN!!! I'm so proud of him. He has worked hard for this and is so deserving. I'm so glad to finally know what is happening in our near future [even though there are MANY details to still work out]. We've been wondering where we'd end up going for his schooling and I'm glad it isn't far away. Now we can start planning the next couple years.
Eric and I got new phones (yesterday). I'm so glad to finally have a phone that works, and Eric is glad to finally be on Verizon so he has good coverage like me :) He has been on T-mobile and is ALWAYS losing calls at our house and has to talk on the phone next to a window. He found out that T-mobile doesn't even service up at our house, so how he was getting any coverage at all is somewhat of a wonder.
Very cute! Congrats Eric!! That's funny you posted about her boots cause when we got done with our walk T was saying that Reese had boots like hers in your car and I said "oh ok" (like whatever you say) - I should have known that she knew what she was talking about. So cute. We love our morning walk/runs with you guys.
Nakita... she is GORGEOUS! Her hair is so long! Such a cute little family
she is such a cutie!
I love the mo-hawk at bath time! Lindsay's right, she's gorgeous.
She is so cute! I love that she is so girly, but also loves the mud and outdoors. You are such a cute little family:)
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