receding hairline - darling curly hair is falling out. crying periods are becoming less and less frequent. amazingly good at staring you in the eyes for long periods of time. chunking out. starting to coo. likes when he finds his thumb. strongest baby I've ever seen - has held his head up well since birth. birthmark that looks like a scar next to his right eye.
growing up. loving on her brother. all of a sudden talking a lot. wearing duct tape around her diaper at naptime and bedtime so she doesn't strip out of it. big helper. singer and dancer. now a night owl. no binky for a week and hasn't had any troubles WHATSOEVER. loving nutrigrain bars and grasshopper cookies. avid brusher of teeth. chocolate milk addict. finally back on the charts - 2% for weight, 14% for height. tempted to open the christmas presents under the tree. FINALLY doesn't refuse to say I love you - I heard her say it twice to Eric tonight...DARLING!
loving her sleepywrap (seen in pic). absolutely adores her husband and kids. SO excited for Christmas. behind on sleep. happy with life. eats way too many treats. finally painted nails red for the holidays. enjoying husband's time off. trying harder to think of dinners ahead of time and grocery shop accordingly, find a way for her house to stay magically clean, and keep Reese's t.v./computer time to under an hour a day.
finished with another semester of school. family man. learning more about wood working. helps his wife out more than ever. his daughter's hero (and wife's for that matter). best kitchen sink cleaner. master fix-it man, you name it and he'll figure it out. wonderful. has the magic touch when it comes to calming a crying baby. enjoys his tools and creating projects to use them.
What an amazing family you have. Nakita - you look AMAZING!!! Holy cow girl!!!
Um first gain some weight! ha You look amazing!
I found the first thing these two are different, Reese is so little! Bailey is about 15% for weight but 90% for height. She is just as tall as her 3 year old cousin.
But I do need help on the binky thing. What did you do? I keep trying to tell Bailey we have to keep hers in the crib and she has a melt down. I think I waited to long to take it away!
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