Monday, January 17, 2011

A name and a blessing

On January 9th Eric blessed Ivan. Our families gathered together in my parents' home and Ivan was given an amazing blessing. Eric and I hadn't talked about the blessing ahead of time and it was neat to hear that Heavenly Father had the same blessings in mind for Ivan as I did as Eric spoke words that I hoped would be spoken. It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun spending it with almost all of our family.

All the men that participated in the blessing. We were so grateful for all of their support and love.

A couple weeks earlier my aunt had Reese and Ivan come down to her photography studio so she could take their pictures. We so appreciate her generosity and I was so glad to get some pictures taken of Ivan in his blessing outfit. This outfit was worn by Eric when he was blessed, as well as most, if not all, his brothers for their blessings too.


Lindsey S. said...

So cute! He is so precious!

We just planned Matthews blessing for the 30th. He will be 5 months old!! haha We didn't want a lot of people around him until now... if we wait any longer he'll be able to walk up there.

P.S. I sent you an email you might want to check out. And again, you might not care at all! Just encase you do check your email!

Lindsey said...

Nakita, he is a BEAUTIFUL baby! such a handsome little guy! Congrats! I'm so happy the blessing went well. xoxo

{M}PG said...

So cute! I love the pics. Your family is adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Eric and Nakita, I can't remember if I have congratulated you yet on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, but congratulations. He is every bit as beautiful as Reese. Enjoy.