Sunday, April 3, 2011


There once was a man, who was getting very good at woodworking. He had an idea. He purchased supplies. He sawed and glued and sanded and waited. 
 He built and welded, researched, learned equations, searched all over the land for parts and assembled. He ran electricity and installed lighting.
 His creation began to come together and his daughter approved of his work.
 The assembly was successful.
 He drew, cut, and sanded many more parts.

 He stained, painted, varnished and buffed.
 He cut pieces of leather, punched holes, created attachments.
 His wife and he hoisted the heavy beast up to the living room for his daughter and all the visiting children to enjoy.
And Frisco was born.


Christianne said...

That is so cool! It looks beautiful. What a neat thing to do. Your husband is very talented!

Cason and Marie said...

That is seriously amazing!! I am very impressed! So talented!

Amber Ellis said...

Are you kidding? The Frisco Beast is AWESOME. Way impressed Eric.

Alison said...

Eric is extremely talented - he has made so many beautiful, cool things for your family. What a useful and fun talent to have!

Lindsey S. said...

What the awesome! So cool!

And glad to see Bailey isn't the only child that hangs out in her diaper. I have a picture I'll be posting soon of her sporting her diaper.

{M}PG said...

So amazing! What fun things to be passed down in your family...hmmm maybe if I show this to Travis he will get the hint from me :) Prob not. Thanks again for the frame. I love it and my brother already wants some made too :)

Jacob and Rachel Ellis said...


Brandon and Katie said...

that's amazing!!! wow. he should definitely make that a business. i want one! how much? :) very cool. what a sweet hubby & dad.

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness...well done Eric! I love it! I am going to have to show Kurt this...Kurt's a wood working, build his own wonderful creations sort of man and he'll be so proud of Eric and love it! AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

Eric!!! That is crazy incredible! Way to go.

Rachel and Todd said...

That is the coolest thing I've seen in a LONG time. I love his original design and how fast the horse looks! It's amazing!