Our friend Brianne got married and we went to their reception up the canyon. It was cold out but the kids wanted to play in the snow anyway....crazies!
On Halloween we went to a trick-or-treating party at the Capitol. Mrs. Clause led the kids around to all of the offices to collect their loot. Reese and Ivan both loved saying "trick-or-treat", and got lots of candy. Only Ivan would pose for a picture :)On Halloween night we had a party with our friends. Reese decided she was done being Pebbles and instead dressed up as sleeping beauty. She and Ivan wrestled, and he liked it, though the picture would lead you to think otherwise.
I posted about staying at Micah's place at Zermatt. Well here is the rest of the story. We swam...
The kids played games on the iPhones in the evening...
And then we woke up SO early to stand in line in the freezing cold to get permits for cutting down trees near Heber. It was surprising how many people were there!!
Eric gets to be a part of a lot of cool events because of his job. This is a picture of him with Governor and Mrs. Herbert, Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Bell, and Chris Christie (the Governor of New Jersey) at the Governor's Gala.

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