I am not a crafty person! But...I did attempt to be this weekend. I made a few cards,
and chocolate covered cinnamon bears. I didn't take a picture of the final product, but I put the cinnamon bears in a cone I made out of cardstock, decorated with a ribbon. I thought they turned out pretty cute :)
I'm planning on continuing to be crafty too, I found a mobile I want for my baby's crib, and I'm going to make it.
If you go here, you can see the cute alphabet magnets I'll be making one day, probably not until my baby is closer to being born or until he/she is interested in playing with things on the fridge. A girl at work showed me this pattern for a cute rice heat pack, pretty sure I'm gonna make one of those too. Hopefully some of you reading this blog will be able to gain something from this post, like a new crafty idea or something. If anyone has any more crafty ideas, send them my way!!

OMG so so so cute!! you crafty women you*
Ooo good job on the cards! Have you ever tried just regular gummy bears covered in chocolate? You simply must they are divine! I love that mobile and i think once you've made it your going to have to show me how to make those sweet birds. Isn't being crafty fun!?
Impressive Nakitia! That's what baby talk and thought does to ya!
I WOULD SAY THATS CRAFTY! Stinkin cute nakita!
I love your ideas! We should get together and have a craft day! haha! I love making things! If I have any ideas I'll post them for ya!
THERE YOU GO! I posted some craft ideas for you...but unfortunately they don't have anything to do with babies...sorry! lets get together sometime this summer and we can teach each other a craft!
How cute! I'm WAY impressed! I really need to develop the crafty side of myself kz it is FOR SURE not natural booohooo! I have made the cinnamon bears once though for Stefano’s birthday
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