Eric and I got a kitty over the weekend! I didn't think I'd ever have a cat, but a manager at Novell told me they were giving away kittens and Eric and I decided we'd take one. It is super cute! I decided if nothing else, it will help prepare us for parenthood, you know, some responsibility for someone other than yourself. I took it home Friday night. We decided it will be an outdoor cat, so we played with it for an hour outside and then went inside to get ready to go out for dinner. When we went outside after getting ready, the kitty was gone. We felt so bad! Eric said, "I guess you have to bond with it before you just let it be on its own outside and expect it to stick around." As we drove into town, I kept my eyes peeled for the little thing. Sad :( We felt so bad....Oh my goodness we're gonna be horrible parents (though we'd NEVER leave our baby outside by itself!!) Anyway, we got home two hours later and it was back! Whew! What a relief. I thought for sure it wandered off into our forest of a yard and would never find its way back.
Our Kitty Hoover, named after the vacuum that rescued him from a six foot deep crawl space with only a small vent for an entrance.Saturday we had SO much fun boating and going to the Orem Fest! Oh I LOVE the sun! I'm finally tan!!! Anyway, we left our kitty for like 14 hours and it was still hanging out under our front porch! Sweet! Now I'm not so worried about it getting lost!
SSSOOOOOooo cute i love baby kittens! and wasn't the Orem fest parade fun lily got to ride with the cheerleaders and had a BLAST:)!
ah I feel bad I didnt even see you! im so oblivious... hopefully we will see each other more at the lake this summer. you are pregnant too right? when is your baby due
Make sure to not touch his poop. I know that's not likely, but still be careful. I can't remember exactly what it's called but there is something - a disease or something that can do fetal damage. I know that is so paranoid of me, but you don't want to go through that type of loss.
Hey guys! Nakita I haven't met you but Lindsay tells me how wonderful you are! Congrats on your baby!
I just had to say - what the heck, Hoover is your cat. I was in my cousin Kristin's sacrament meeting a few weeks ago when a lady's testimony was about how the guys from the ward rescued the cat from their crawl space with the vacuum and so they named the cat Hoover. My cousin lives right by the mouth of the canyon... anyway it must be the same cat! Small small world!
i love watching cats stretch. sometimes i lay on the ground and try but i swear they look ten times cooler
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