This last weekend we got to go on a fun vacation to Moab. My family all went down, as well as my aunt and uncle and some cousins. Eric has the flu, so he didn't feel very good, but we still had a great time! And we got to celebrate our 1-year anniversary! I LOVE being married to Eric! Most of the time was spent off-roading and oh man... off-roading is the best with a man who turns into a giddy little boy while driving. I love that flu or not, Eric brightens up as soon as he is off the beaten trail and driving over the mountains. Off-roading was the cure (though sadly only temporarily)! We had a ton of fun spending time with everyone! Baby girl got a kick out of the bumpy trails, I had more braxton hicks on Saturday night than I've ever had and baby kept kicking me HARD, couldn't sleep a wink :)

Chelsea loves uncle "E-wick"
Camla's face is priceless in this pic - is she scared???On the way home, we were in no rush, so we decided we'd take a more scenic route home. We typed in our address in our GPS and told it to take the "shortest route", which means shortest distance, not shortest time. We wanted to take the back routes home. Well, as you can see, we ended up way up in the mountains, and couldn't get any farther because the snow got too deep. Luckily we got to do a little sabbath day service though. (Well Eric did, I watched from the car :))

(This couple reminded me of me and Eric - just like 30 or 40 years older than us! Babe, we'll still be adventurous when we are as old as that couple!!)We tried a couple more back routes, but sadly snow and seasonal gates stopped us from progressing. We ended up back tracking a lot, and added like 4 1/2 hours onto our trip home :) It was actually a ton of fun, we thoroughly enjoyed one another's company and listening to "Into Thin Air" on tape. Plus, we got to stop at some fun places on the way home and see some pretty sights.
Sweet abandoned structures
you look so stinkin cute!
Happy one year!! What a fun one year anniversary. You guys look so cute!
Happy anniversary! I love how adventorous you guys are!
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