Isn't this a sweet picture? The jump is obviously sweet, and I think the colors are pretty dang neat. Someday I'm going to buy me a nice camera that will make pictures like this even better :)
Last weekend we went over to our friend's dirt biking track in Wallsburg. I didn't ride this time, my belly is now to the stage that the weight bouncing around isn't horribly comfortable and when I just sit on my dirt bike when it is running the baby goes crazy, probably because of the noise and vibrations. I got to enjoy watching Eric and Don ride around, and it was fun! I'm thinking this may have been their last ride of the season, now that winter seems to be setting in....but you never know! One of my favorite parts about dirt biking is talking to Eric about them on our way home. He gets so giddy when talking about it...can't blame him, it is FUN!
Here is a video of Eric jumping the canal. (My mom recorded this and she is so freakin' cute, listen to her at the end - she is totally worried that she didn't get it recorded, such a sweetheart.)
Donny boy enjoying one last ride before his mission!
You've had a lot of updates!!! I can't believe how good the front of your house looks!!! Eric is a handy man!!! It looks awesome. I love you halloween costume... you such a cute little prego girl!
Only 64 days left. You are all but there girl.
SWEET! he is so good*
when does Don go? EXciting! tell him good luck from me! you're baby is going to be BORN TO RIDE! haha because of the experience riding in the womb!
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