Thank you to Terra, who threw me my ward baby shower! Poor Terra is pregnant and quite sick, yet she still pulled it off, and beautifully at that! I owe her BIG! I won't bore you with the billions of pictures I took of all my gifts, but check out these darling boots from my next door neighbors!

My mom and sisters (with the help of other friends and family) threw me a marvelous baby shower a few days after! Thank you so much Mom, Aubrey, and Camla!! We enjoyed delicious chocolate, yummy food, great guests, and I enjoyed getting cute things for my little gal! Thank you guys!!
The Sweet Table
Aubrey, Mama, and Me

Those boots are killer! Only a little while longer for the both of us! Yeah... Good luck if you go on the 11th or soon after! She is going to be beautiful!
Hey i havent checked this in a while and you look so cute prego! Cute showers. I am excited for you to have a baby, they are amazing! Good luck!!!
So cute!!! You seriously are the cutest little tiny prego woman... you and whitney are so CUTE !
I'm excited for Thursday to come....I hope something else comes too!
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