I always swore to myself that I wouldn't be a chopper (one of those mother's who chopped their long hair off), until I figured out why they do it. Now I respect women who chop their hair off. Just means that they are filling their lives with a lot of meaningful things and don't have more than 10 minutes a day to devote to getting "pretty" for the day, but do want to look pretty. Not saying the long haired moms that style it every day aren't doing meaningful things with their lives, just saying I now COMPLETELY understand why a mom might want to chop their hair off. [Want to be hottttt for their husbands, yet want to spend time with their babies, and need to do house work, and need to take care of the yard, and need to blog (is this a need), and need to pay bills, and need to run errands, and need to call so and so, and need to write so and so a thankyou/happy birthday/ get well card, and need to fulfill their church callings, and need to...... you get the point). 
Anyway, here are the before and afters. I LOVE short hair; I have since the 6th grade when I chopped maybe 2 feet off of my L-O-N-G hair and recognized all the pros to short hair, plus the cuteness of it (in my opinion).

I meant to tell you last night how cute your hair is. So now i will... your hair is so cute!
I'm trying to decide what to do with my own. Chop or no chop. Though i don't have the good excuse you do. We shall see.
I LOVE IT. I think it looks awesome...see, noe you know why I chopped :) Well done my friend...you r beautiful!!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I LOVE it!!!!! You look great with short hair!
oh my goshhh nakita your hair is darling short.
i support the decision.
good JOB.
Love it! IT looks great on you.
i love it! we are twins ;)
I'm totally the same way as in my hair was shedding for the first 6 months and everyday I wear my hair up in a ponytail/bun. I don't really know how to do hair so the bun works for me I guess. At least it's fast but not so pretty. I love your short hair. If I could do it like that I would.
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!! So darling! Still not to that point yet! Who knows if that day will hit me? Love you
I wish I could pull off short hair like you. I've never had it so it frightens me I wouldn't like it on myself! ponytails for me, for a while anyway. haha You look fantastic!
So stinkin cute! I bet Eric loves it ;) I could only wish...
Just got your comment and you are sweet! And seriously the shedding is ridiculous. James complains about my hair all over the place! haha Oh well.
Your hair looks great, you look awesome! Your inspiring me to cut my own!
i love it....SOOOOO cute!!! I LOVE having short hair:)
I think your hair looks fabulous short! You look pretty always!
I love your hair!!!!!!!! so cute. YOu've always looked hot with short hair.
you look so cute! love it!
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