A couple months after I started dating Eric, he took me to a family reunion up at his Grandma Gwen's house. On the way up he was telling me how awesome her house was, how it was the ideal Grandma's house. It has a swimming pool, a laundry shoot, a barn, a sweet swingset, 4 floors in the house, and a little "hidden" room off one of the stairwells, and an amazingly cute grandma to top it off. Well, I got to spend a few days there a couple weeks ago and had such a GREAT time. Reese and I swam with Eric's mom Jill and sister Amber a ton. It was the most relaxed trip I've had in a long time!!! Eric's mom is still down from BC for a couple weeks longer so we've gone up a couple times since and it has been so fun. Eric was right, Grandma Gwen's house really is the ideal Grandma's house.

I often times still think of things that seem crazy to me and make me think, "I can't believe I actually got to marry Eric". I remember when we were dating and went to Grandma Gwen's house, I thought "hmmm, that would be cool if this was my kids great grandma's house, they'd have so much fun." Well, my dream came true. I don't know how many of my kids will get to experience times with Grandma Gwen and her fun house, but I'm glad they have her as a great grandma for eternity :) And I can't believe I got so lucky to marry Grandma Gwen's grandson, who is so much like her late husband Moyle. I've heard story after story about Moyle, and Grandma and Eric's mom continually remind me how similar Eric is to him both physically and some of their personality characteristics. I'm excited to meet Moyle one day, Eric idolizes him, and I'll thank Moyle for passing on some handsome, kind, friendly, and loving genes.

We bought Reese a lifejacket for Lake Powell (in 2 weeks baby!!). She liked it, especially because she could lick the top of the zipper. It gave her the cutest chipmunk cheeks.

Reese loves being outside, so this was a great trip for her, since we were outside the majority of the time.

I hope that Reese can make some good memories, that she'll remember, with Grandma Gwen. Reese, Grandma kept commenting on how pretty you were, and what a perfect little nose you have.

On the 18th of July (I think) we had dinner with B-Money and friends to celebrate Bee's 32nd birthday.

Me and my friend Terra decided that we wanted to go on a nice walk up in the mountains behind our house. We decided it would be much cooler and more enjoyable than walking where we usually would. We drove for a really long time, which wasn't bad since it was a pretty drive, and finally decided on a place to pull off and start walking. Well, we walked for a while and were getting eaten by deer flies so decided to turn around. Poor Aubree (the newborn) had a deer fly stuck on her face biting her at one point even though she was covered in a blanket.
After we had turned around we realized that we had been stupid for walking downhill, because the walk back to the cars was a grueling uphill stretch, and that combined with the heat and freaking annoying deer flies, made for a not so cool and beautiful walk. When we got back to the cars Terra was getting Aubree out of her frontpack and into the car when she saw two little black legs sticking out of Aubree's mouth. Terra reached in her mouth and pulled out a dead deer fly. NASTY!! At least Aubree won't be a picky eater when she starts foods since she thinks solids taste like dead flies :)

There were beautiful flowers everywhere!
Grandma Gwens does look awesome! So glad you are able to know her and Reese is able to know her too! Lake Powell, eh??! Who are ya going with?? Love that place...fun times!
Yep, wish I had a Gma Gwen ;) Mainly just the pool...
Aubree is ready to go on another walk :)
What a happy baby Reese is! She has the greatest smile. Is Grandma Gewn the one in North Ogden?
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