See the man's profile below? With a nose ring and all?
Micah and Rachel
Jeremiah and his friend Emily

Looks like a castle!
The formations remind me so much of mud-drop castles you make at the beach.
Reese was in heaven since our whole campground and everywhere we went was dirt and rock filled. She sat here and threw dirt for a long time.
Rachel, Dallas, Reese, and Eric

Reese didn't get her normal naps since we were doing stuff all day. Once we'd been hiking for a while she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She tried SO hard to stay awake, but those heavy eyes couldn't stay open and head couldn't stay upright. Below you can see her asleep. I tried to keep her head in line with her neck, but no matter what I did it always ended up out this side of the backpack.

That's Eric up on top of the peak.
On the way home we found a dead bobcat. None of us had ever seen one in real life so we took a picture. Yes, it looks possessed. I wish Eric would have zoomed out, you should have seen Jeremiah's face. He was posing next to the bobcat (he's the one holding it up) as if he had just hunted the thing - huge smile of pride on his face.
It was a fantastic trip. So fun to get out and camp - we LOVE camping! Plus, the weather was perfect, mid 70's.
Livie falls asleep like that in her bike trailer. I try everything to keep her head up but nothing seems to work. It looks like you guys had a ton of fun. Reese seems like such a good sport. I want my husband to take me there. He use to go there all the time when he was a teen.
So much fun! Those are great pics. I'm glad that you guys go to all these places so that I live my adventures through you :) Sorry my phone called you today...I was going to call back and then it was 8:30pm and I didn't know if I should. I miss seeing you...come over!
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