I graduated from

Thanks to a very supportive husband!

And a very supportive family! Aubrey, you should be in this picture too since I owe so much of my accomplishment to your support!

It feels good to have reached a goal I set so long ago. It is funny to think of the course my schooling has taken, all the changes I've made in majors and such, and to see that I ended up with a Bachelors in Exercise Science. I have loved everything I've learned and am glad that all the changes I made were made so that I could enjoy learning so much and end up in a major I thoroughly enjoyed!
Mom and Dad, thanks for always encouraging me to finish!
It was a rainy day, VERY early morning (6:00 for this chick with a last name that starts with one of the first 6 letters of the alphabet - and my dad who was so kind to wake up and take me to the Marriot Center), and a fantastic after party thrown by my family. It was fun having family in town (I'm still completely awed by Eric's parents for making the trip down from Vancouver Island), and so kind of everyone who showed their support via texts, cards, phone calls, facebook, or joining us at the party. THANK YOU!!
yay!! Congratulations! That has to feel so good!
hahaha So that adorable dude in the robe shaking hands with you and handing you your diploma is my well Dad!! haha Congrats to yous!
SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats
Nakita CONGRATULATIONS!! That is a HUGE accomplishment, especially since at the end there you got married, worked full time, and had a baby. It only gets more difficult to finish and you stuck it out. You go girl! I'm proud of you!
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