We went camping with my family a couple weekends ago at Causey Reservoir. The night was freezing cold, I stayed warm, Reese seemed to stay warm, but Eric was cold. Reese decided that as soon as the sun was peaking up (around 6 am) it was time to be up for the morning. Pretty much we were all exhausted still and once out of our sleeping bags, freezing. Reese definitely looks cold and exhausted in this pic.

We spent the day at the reservoir. We kayaked, some of the guys fished, and Eric snorkled around. The ladies and kiddos played in the mud and ate snacks all day. It was a lot of fun just chatting and relaxing. Reese was so happy to be out and playing in mud/dirt, so she didn't complain the entire day, it was relaxing. We had heard that the salmon were spawning up the river so we headed up there before dinner, but we didn't see any. Guess we were looking in the wrong place.

My good friend Terra came up with her girls last week to hang out. I was so grateful. I crave hanging out with Terra and always feel socially fulfilled afterwards. We need to do this MUCH more often. We took the girls to Wheeler Farm where we saw the animals and got rained on. Then Terra treated us to ice cream, yum!
For some reason I love this picture, just the kids (some in womb, some out). Terra is having a boy and is due just a few weeks after me. I'm thinking we'll need to have our husbands take the girls on a campout and Terra and I can relax with our new baby boys for a day. But let's be honest, men providing for their families aren't usually the first ones to have a lot of extra time, so we'll see if we get the chance.

I finally got the camera semi-lined up and it started pouring. So it isn't the best or most well centered photo, but it'll have to do.

Cute girls!

After hanging out with Terra I was inspired to move Reese into a big girl bed before the baby comes. I was planning on doing the 2 crib thing. For now we just put a twin mattress on the floor. Once she gets used to that we will bump it up on a box spring and eventually move it onto the bed frame. We started her in it on Saturday. Her first run was for naptime. She cried off and on by her door for an hour then finally fell asleep. Sadly, when I went in to check on her 1 1/2 hours later, she was sleeping on her rug by the bed. That night she slept on the floor as well but slept through the night. On Sunday Eric put her down for bed and layed in there until she fell asleep. Since then she has been sleeping well IN the bed, rather than on her rug. It is weird to see her in the bed because she takes up like 1/8th of it. I thought it would make her seem older to me, but somehow it just makes me realize how tiny she is. Especially when she wakes up and calls my name and I open her door to find her standing next to the door with her blanket and binkie. Just miniature I tell you. I sure am proud of her though!
I think I've already told you this before, but you guys do the funnest things! and I just love your little belly. You look so cute!
Fun! Thanks for posting our fun day pictures :) Good job moving Reese into a big girl bed - when you think of something, you just do it! I love that! I miss you and loved our day together...so did my girls. Hopefully I will see you soon!!!!
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