Anyway, back to hanging out outside on the nice days. Reese loves playing with the bike and trailer, and I love when she pulls off a crooked smile :)
Today Reese hit me while I was putting her in the car. I explained that I don't hit her because it isn't nice, so she shouldn't hit mommy either. She got a pouty lip and started crying (she is a sensitive soul when it comes to getting in "trouble"). After the 1 1/2 minute drive home I got the groceries out of the car and then opened the door by her carseat. I asked, "are you ready to be nice?". She nodded her head and said, "nice". I asked, "can you say sorry?" To which she adorably responded, "sorry". I said, "can you give mommy a kiss?" She puckered her lips, like you see below, and when I was about a half inch from her face she unpuckered and turned her face away. I just had to laugh, that is so Reese. Never giving out those kisses freely, except to the pictures of Jesus around the house. I hope she keeps that trait late into her teenage years!
I love that kissy face. What a beautiful girl!
very very VERY cute. I love the puckered lip one too.
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