Saturday, March 17, 2012

Feeling Blessed

This last week was filled with a new adventure for our family. Eric started a new job!

Last August Eric finished up the coursework for his Masters in Public Administration at the U of U. We have job searched all over the U.S. and Canada ever since, and even after multiple interviews, nothing ever came to fruition. Although we were grateful for the employment Eric had during the interim, we were hoping and praying for something that would put his newly acquired degree to use and allow him to start in the career path he had chosen.

At times when I'd get frustrated with the job hunt, I would feel that Eric was simply being saved for something our Heavenly Father had in store for him. The past few months have been really trying. Although the job hunt was stressful, that was only a portion of the trials we have been facing. Thankfully arm in arm, and with the help of our Savior, we have trudged through the messes. I feel that we have endured well for the most part, and that we have been blessed for that. At the end of February, things with the job hunt finally came together. The timing and perfect lining up of the events that led to the job were more than coincidence, and we know the Lord's hand guided us to this very unique job opportunity.

Eric is now the Special Advisor to the Lieutenant Governor of Utah. It is and will continue to provide Eric with experience far superior to any he would have gained in any of the other jobs we applied to. Although there are still messes that need our consideration, it is nice to have the financial side of our trials laid to rest and invigorating to have Eric so excited about this new career.

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