Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Date Weekend

Last weekend was fantastic. It is always nice to do things out of the ordinary and get some uninterrupted time with Eric. On Friday evening we decided to take a little road trip to Meadow (near Fillmore) and go check out some hot pots down there. We left Reese with my parents so it was just the two of us left to talk for hours (my favorite part about road trips) while we traveled back and forth and as we hung out in the hot pots with like 50 scouts :)

We were going to take Reese but then decided against it since we didn't know what temperature the hot pots would be. We now know that next time Reese will be coming with us. It is bathtub temperature so you can stay in for hours. It is also unique in that there are parts that are probably 15 feet deep. Eric borrowed a scout's goggles and dove down to the bottom and collected rocks for the scout (per the scout's request).

It was such an enjoyable time. Scouts are, of course, very interesting to listen to and watch belly flop into the pots. And as always, I loved being with my sweetheart. He is the coolest person to be around, and luckily I get to spend lots of time with him.

We got back to my parents house around midnight and decided to sleepover at their house. Then on Saturday morning we left Reese again to go snowmobiling (believe me, we don't leave her much, but mom offered to watch her so I could go out with Eric, so we took her up on the offer.)

Again, pure bliss! Not because Reese wasn't there, but because I got to finally go out snowmobiling with Eric and enjoy one of our passions together. Helmet Face!
We got back to my parents' house at noon and hung out. Then we took Reese to the BYU basketball game with us, where BYU sadly lost! Boo:(
Eric, I love your spontaneity and am so happy for our friendship! You're a very cool husband!


Kim Shepherd said...

I've been to those hot pots before. They were nice. I'm glad you two were able to spend time together.

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

you (two) would.
haha so reminds me of you two to spontaneously go out and be recreational!
Looks like fun!
Now that Tula is off the boob, I have to admit I'm excited to leave her and get some alone time.